The Council of State Directors of

Programs for the Gifted


The Council of State Directors is the national organization of state education agency personnel responsible for developing public school programs for the gifted and talented in the 50 state and the trust territories of the United States. The Council’s purpose is to strengthen the capabilities of state directors by supporting strong federal and state policy; facilitating the field of services for gifted students; influencing national educational movements and research; collecting and disseminating information in state and local services to gifted children and youth; and enhancing the knowledge and skills of council members to develop more effective state services and programs 

 CSDPG members at the annual conference in Orlando, Florida in November 2023

 CSDPG members at the annual conference in Indianapolis, Indiana in November 2022


Mark Schwingle, President (Wisconsin)

Beth Cross, President-Elect (North Carolina)

Rebecca McKinney, Secretary (Colorado)

Sheyanne Smith, Treasurer (Nebraska)

Maria Lohr, Past-President (Ohio)

Regional Directors at Large

CSDPG Members attending the annual meeting 

in Minneapolis, MN in November 2018